València · 2013

La bohème

Giacomo Puccini

Accentus Music, UNITEL, Palau de les Arts "Reina Sofía" Valencia and CLASSICA
Tipus d'edició: DVD/CD
Preu: 35,75 €

La bohème

Giacomo Puccini

La Bohème [Grabación audiovisual] D.L. 2013
1 disco (Bluray)

Conductor Riccardo Chailly
Orchestra Orquestra de la Comunitat Valenciana
Chorus Cor de la Generalitat Valenciana
Chorus Masters Francesc Perales

Mimì Gal James
Musetta Carmen Romeu
Rodolfo Aquiles Machado
Marcello Massimo Cavalletti
Schaunard Mattia Olivieri
Colline Gianluca Buratto
Parpignol Pablo García López
Benoît Matteo Peirone
Alcindoro Andrea Snarski

Staged by Davide Livermore
Video Director Michael Beyer
HDTV 1080 / Length approx. 120'
Cat. no. A93050003
A co-production of Accentus Music, UNITEL, Palau de les Arts "Reina Sofía" Valencia and CLASSICA

For the first time in his imposing career, Maestro Riccardo Chailly conducts an opera in Spain: La Bohème at the magnificent Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía in Valencia. The striking result is a lush, lively, colorful symphonic reading of the opera that turns the orchestra into one of the stars of the performance, on a par with the vocal soloists.
Chailly has long been admired as one of the leading conductors of our time. Resident conductor of the Leipzig Gewandhaus since 2005, he has led the world's top orchestras. In its review of this production, El Periódico praises "Chailly's inspired, personal and fluid direction ... a genuine reference point".
Stage director Davide Livermore, who has worked at La Fenice, San Carlo, the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino and the Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro, among others, delivers a traditional - "in the best sense of the word" (Neue Kronen-Zeitung) - interpretation with large video projections of atmospheric Impressionist paintings that harmonize with the historic period in which the action takes place.
For this coproduction with the Philadelphia Opera Company, Chailly and Livermore hand-picked a cast of young singers, whose vigor and spirit infuse this "Bohème" with a rare authenticity. "It is a very beautiful Bohème: every phrase has its own orchestral color, its dynamic force, its own idiom, an original and never-before-seen fusion of Italian, French and German styles", wrote the Corriere della Sera.
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